Parents like you,
feeling dramatically different in parenting
“I was a skeptic”
In the beginning, I was a skeptic. Could this Flora and her program really help a single mom with a co-parent who is not willing to participate? What I didn’t expect was a change in myself – a calm collection that I didn’t know could exist in parenting, and then it started to trickle down to my kiddo. Even though he only spends half his time with me and we will always be learning, the transitions have been getting consistently easier. There was a time when I couldn’t wait to drop him off with his Dad and now, I look forward to our time together and even miss him when he’s gone!
– LAUREN (Single Mama of 3 year-old son)
“I had tried so many different things.”
“For me, Sustainable Parenting has filled a void that I’d been searching years for. I was at my wit’s end. I had friends giving me advice, I’d read parenting books, I tried so many different things, but what do you do when your child doesn’t fit the cookie cutter mold? What do you do when you try what the books say, but you still can’t seem to make headway in your parenting? With Flora & Sustainable parenting you actually have someone who’s read all the books and shows you what to do when nothing else works. Her knowledge on parenting smarter, not harder, quickly became an invaluable resource to my parenting, and there’s nothing else quite like it.”
– Anna, Mother of 2 under 5
“I was at the end of my rope.”
Before sustainable parenting I felt at the end of my rope, like I was failing as a mom and that my patience was depleted. I felt that I was yelling more than I was experiencing joy and I felt like I had no control over how to make it better. A friend of mine suggested checking out the SP Masterclass which was amazing! From there I decided to dive in deeper and join the SP Transformation for more connection with other moms and more time learning from Flora. The difference that we have experienced as a family is significant. I no longer feel like I’m living out the definition of insanity. Instead I feel more confident, kind, clear, and calm. We still have our moments but we have resources to help us get through. – Dawn, Mother of 2 girls – ages 5 & 9
“This program saved my sanity & helped me enjoy being a mom!”
Sustainable Parenting has given me confidence and tools to use. The first thing that drew me to this program was that I was being taught exactly what to try and then was able to adapt it to work for me and my family. It was so nice to be given real tools and quick things to say to keep things moving in the right direction. This program has saved my sanity and has made me enjoy being a mom!
– Leah (mother of 2 girls under 4)