• Participation Disclaimer: Any participation is entirely voluntary, and all responses will remain confidential, unless you give permission for scores to be shared with your school.

What is the Child & Family Assessment?

This survey consists of 3 questionnaires. Please click on each of the 3 buttons below.:

  • The PAFAS
  • The CAPES
  • A Demographic questionnaire.

The Parenting and family adjustment scales (PAFAS) is a tool to asses 5 areas of the family environment.

The PAFAS was designed as a brief outcome measure for assessing changes in parenting
practices and parental adjustment in the evaluation of both public health and individual or group parenting interventions. The inventory consists of the Parenting scale measuring:

  • Parental Consistency
  • Coercive Parenting
  • Positive Encouragement at home
  • Parent–child relationship 
  • Partner/family teamwork in parenting.

The CAPES was designed as a brief outcome measure in the evaluation of both public health and individual or group parenting interventions.

The CAPES is a brief assessment that measures the following areas:

  • Emotional Challenges
  • Behavioral Challenges
  • Parental Efficacy (confidence in knowing how to respond to emotional/behavioral challenges).


We are conducting a small survey on parenting. We encourage parents to take voluntary surveys about their experiences in parenting, to learn more about family dynamics, strengths and challenges.  Any participation is entirely voluntary, and all responses will remain confidential. 

The results of this project will enable us to enhance our parenting support initiatives.  In addition, this gives an opportunity for parents and early childhood education sites to have valuable information about the following scales: 

  • Emotional Challenges at home
  • Behavioral Challenges at home
  • Parental Efficacy (confidence in knowing how to respond to emotional/behavioral challenges)
  • Parental Consistency
  • Coercive Parenting
  • Positive Encouragement at home
  • Parent–child relationship 
  • Partner/family teamwork in parenting.

What’s in it for me?

  1. For every parent who voluntarily completes the surveys, we’ll provide a $5 gift card as a thank you.* Note – participants will need to complete the surveys now and again in  3 months – as a pre/post assessment).  They will receive their gift card ONLY after they complete the FINAL survey 3 months from now.  Your participation is invaluable to us, and we genuinely appreciate your consideration of this assessment for your families.
  2. The families that participate have the option to keep their scores anonymous or to give permission for their scores to be shared with your education site.
  3. If your education site would like to participate, you can download this 1-page that has a flyer to share with parents as an invitation to the surveys.