What if you knew…

exactly what to say and do,

to melt your child’s resistance, and quickly get them listening, without losing your temper?

Change IS possible! The opportunity is right here, for you to have:

  • More EASE each day, because kids are staying in their beds, listening the first time, and solving problems together.
  • JOY – with an improved relationship that allows you to be your child’s ally instead of their enemy, during moments of upset and conflict.
  • RELIEF, because you are not alone. You have a mentor and community of other parents who are real, relatable and supportive.
  • CONFIDENCE – having a super effective toolbox of ways to help children (& adults) manage emotions, solve challenges, and grow respect, responsibility, and kindness.
  • TEAMWORK, easily get on the same page because the program is doable, even for the busiest parents, who are ready to find a balance of kindness & firmness at the same time.


Everything you’ve been missing


The Sustainable Parenting Transformation!

Flora’s guidance gives you:

  • Simplified systems for efficient parenting.
  • Support: Connection, Encouragement, Accountability.
  • Expertise you can trust.
  • Improved relationships with your kids and harmony in your home.

Let’s do this!

You CAN do this.

My friend, it’s decision-making time. You can stay stuck in old habits, or you can choose to move forward, with new strategies and support for change!

Not sure what the right service option is for you? Let’s jump on a call and talk it through!

“I left my clarifying call feeling so positive and with some amazing tools to get started on my journey of parenting in a way that is WAY more sustainable!”

– Sara Brendal

What you can expect from Sustainable Parenting:

Our unique coaching equips you to know what to do & when to do it,

so you feel fully equipped & empowered to handle any challenge you face with children age 2-12.

An Experienced

Flora is a licensed child counselor, with a master’s degree in counseling, 2 young kids, and 15 years of experience coaching and mentoring parents internationally. She is also a regular contributor to Montana Parent Magazine and the Authentic Institute of Montessori.

No “Should’ing”

You are always the top expert on your family and your own personal values.  Flora helps you personalize strategies that are kind and firm, so that you can be the best version of YOU, as a mama – instead of trying to fit into what others
say you “should” do.

Unique Sustainable Strategies

Flora has the unique ability to boil down parenting theory and psychology into bite-size strategies that are easy to understand and implement. She takes the best practices of parenting advice, and matches them with her experience as a mom, to give you tools that work – even for the busiest parents.

You May Be Wondering….

Parent coaching is the newest state-of-the-art approach to improving family dynamics & relationships. Counseling often requires leaving your home, taking your child out of school, and only supports you 1 hour/wk.

Parent Coaching is 100% virtual, with evening and morning coaching

“Some people take tennis or violin lessons. I take parenting lessons….The value I get from it is priceless.” – Parents.com

Set up a FREE 30-min clarity call with Flora!

She offers this call to be sure to learn more about your family, answer any questions you have, and recommend other modes of support if those seem appropriate, based on her 12 years of clinical experience and training.

Those that are able to have their partner involved enjoy the benefits of improving teamwork and parenting on the same page. However families where just 1 person completes the mentorship have still seen dramatic changes.

On average – it’s an investment of 2 hours/week, with a ton of flexibility for when you fit those 2 hours in.

This program offers 1:1 Coaching, Group coaching and self-paced learning, so that it can be customized to fit each family’s schedule.

The Sustainable Parenting Mentorships are not best if you are seeking support for:

Abuse, Neglect, drug/alcohol abuse in the home.

Children over Age 12.

When you step into this support, you are taking full responsibility for your own side of success: attending the coaching, and listen to recordings and lessons. I also take full responsibility for bringing 100% of my support, encouragement and expertise. You get an expert in your pocket, every step of the way.

After surveying 100’s of families who have completed the mentorship programs – Sustainable Parenting has a 96% satisfaction rating from all clients!